101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think
Brianna Wiest

101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think - Book Summary

Philosophical Meditations That Will Change Your Life

Duration: 13:52
Release Date: October 6, 2023
Book Author: Brianna Wiest
Categories: Psychology, Motivation & Inspiration
Duration: 13:52
Release Date: October 6, 2023
Book Author: Brianna Wiest
Categories: Psychology, Motivation & Inspiration

In this episode of "20 Minute Books", we delve deep into the inspirational "101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think", penned by the celebrated writer, Brianna Wiest. This insightful collection of essays draws you in and prompts you to reevaluate your perspectives on life, anxiety, and personal growth. Wiest encourages readers not to shy away from their darkest feelings but to harness them as tools for self-improvement.

The author, Brianna Wiest, is a renowned American writer and poet with a global following. Her profound writings have graced the pages of illustrious publications like Forbes, Huffington Post, and Thought Catalog. To her credit, she has sold over a million books, and her work has been translated into more than 20 languages.

"101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think" is a beacon for those lost in the labyrinth of life's complexities. Ideal for people in their twenties grappling with questions of purpose and meaning, and for thirtysomethings introspecting on their past and its influence on the present. It provides a roadmap for those determined to reclaim their future. If you wish to find joy and fulfillment in being authentically you, this book offers a well-lit path. Discover how managing your thoughts can pave the way to rewarding daily habits, ushering in a life filled with contentment and achievement.

Embark on a journey of transformation: Discover eleven powerful ideas that will revolutionize your mindset.

Imagine if you could transfigure your life by simply shifting your thought patterns? What if, beyond merely reshaping your thoughts, you could elevate your life further by influencing your emotions?

Yes, it seems like a significant challenge considering what life has thrown at you or what you've been led to believe about the pursuit of happiness. But what if attaining happiness isn't even the main objective?

Through her influential book "101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think", author Brianna Wiest calls for a seismic shift in our beliefs, advocating for a life that's structured and governed — by you.

If the term "control" feels restrictive or monotonous, envision it as a sturdy tree trunk that supports an abundance of vibrant flowers and luscious fruits.

Doesn't that shift your perception a bit?

You're already in the process of changing your mindset, evolving from a dull root system to a tantalizing fruit tree to an entire living organism. In your specific instance - a human being.

Covering all 101 essays from the book here would be quite an undertaking. Hence, we've cherry-picked eleven impactful ideas that will surely get your cognitive wheels turning.

Embrace ownership over your thoughts and emotions.

We are born into a universe replete with deeply ingrained traditions and values.

As we mature, we absorb these values, either passively or through explicit teachings. Societal structures are designed to chastise and manipulate those who defy these norms, as you might have experienced in dinner table discussions or social media exchanges.

So, how can one navigate through this cultural monolith?

This is your starting point of self-discovery. You need to acknowledge and accept ownership over your thoughts and feelings. Your emotional anchor should be rooted within you, detached from the external chaos of everyday life. Additionally, it's crucial to realize that sometimes, our painful emotions lack a concrete source and can be dispelled by shifting our focus elsewhere.

Experience your emotions as they arise — and then graciously let them go.

Establish a daily rhythm.

For most people, the concept of routine can feel like a direct contrast to a life brimming with happiness and adventure.

However, upon closer inspection, you'll discover that the most triumphant individuals you admire usually adhere to a daily rhythm that guides them into a state of familiarity and constancy. It's this rhythmic cadence that propels them into a 'flow state', a stage where creatives seem to work ceaselessly and effortlessly.

Construct your personal rhythm by identifying the minor habits that keep your mind balanced and serene, and commit to practicing them every day. This rhythm will offer you a sense of security, help ward off anxiety, and tackle procrastination head-on.

Amplify your happiness threshold.

It may come as a surprise, but in reality, you're not truly seeking happiness.

Unbeknownst to you, you've established a benchmark of happiness that, once surpassed, makes you uncomfortable, prompting you to revert back to a socially acceptable state of joy.

Reflect on this: Can you recall instances when you subdued your joyous celebrations for fear of making your less successful friends uneasy?

That was your subconscious alerting you about the potential risks of standing out from the crowd. You inadvertently become a target, a threat. However, all you yearn for is to blend in seamlessly.

Consider increasing your happiness threshold by basking in this euphoria for longer periods. Practice gratitude, engage in meditation, and allow your joy to flourish. You have the power to feel happy irrespective of your circumstances. This choice is deeply rooted in embracing your most authentic self.

Unleash your inherent creativity.

We're all inherently creative beings.

We flourish when we achieve an exceptional state of expression, regardless of its form. Even our hunter-gatherer forebears managed to sketch images on rocks and cave walls amidst their demanding lives.

Human beings are innately compelled to observe and interpret art in every context it presents itself.

Discover your unique mode of creative expression and hone it. It doesn't need to be comprehended or approved by others. All it requires is for you to derive pleasure from it. Let it flow without any judgement. Resist the lure to mimic others.

Engage in it for its own merit, with mindfulness and regularity, until it integrates into your routine and becomes an instinct.

Automate your skills to perfection.

How can you simplify newly acquired skills to the point where they seem as natural as breathing?

Here's your three-step roadmap to mastery!

Firstly, immerse yourself in the skill you're captivated by and learn about its application. Begin to put this newfound knowledge into practice, observing any mistakes for future improvement.

Next, while utilizing the skill, aim to remember all the individual components involved in its application. Why? Because our brains are wired to remember a chain of events more effectively than a single isolated incident. You'll notice it becoming gradually easier over time.

The final phase propels you into a state of autopilot through consistent repetition. You'll find the process becoming more effortless, and you'll slip into a state of flow as you carry out tasks subconsciously.

Cultivate your self-esteem.

Remember the lesson about steering your emotions with your thoughts? You can apply the same principle to boost your self-esteem.

Consider it as your capability to navigate your personal affairs. As you consciously work on and assess your skills, you'll see your confidence blossoming over time.

Embrace a high standard of morality, accountability, and ethics that are not imposed by external forces but guided by your inner values and self-worth. Learn to assert yourself in a manner that doesn't reflect defensiveness — defensiveness often springs from fear.

You won't bask in triumphant moments every day, but you'll experience a comforting tranquility knowing that you're at the helm of your life.

Strike a balance between passion and purpose.

We're often encouraged to follow our hearts, but what if we allow our minds to take the lead?

The secret isn't about favoring one over the other, but rather understanding where one ends and the other begins. Passion may light the flame of desire, but its intensity is likely to wane as you advance.

That's when the wisdom of the mind comes into play. A well-defined purpose will keep you centered, assist in identifying and mastering the skills needed to execute daily tasks, and give you the courage to defer instantaneous gratification.

Celebrate your small victories with gratitude. The tranquility and tenacity offered by purpose outshine the frantic pursuit to fill any void you might be experiencing. Even in personal relationships, shared values can provide a deeper sense of fulfillment.

Steer clear of distractions.

In a renowned essay, Denis Diderot, a philosopher of the French Enlightenment, narrated how receiving a new scarlet dressing robe led him to unhappiness and plunged him into debt.

His older possessions seemed dull in comparison, almost overnight. He hurried to replace them to align with the novelty of his new robe. If you've ever purchased a dress and immediately considered the perfect pair of shoes to accompany it, you'll understand his predicament.

Advertisements, acquaintances, and celebrities constantly urge us to consume more. Trying to derive satisfaction from a materialistic existence proves to be a near-impossible task.

Instead, direct your attention towards the things that truly matter to you.

Master the art of rest.

Up until now, we've explored various concepts that will hopefully shift your thinking paradigm.

Here's a small encore: we have three more quick ideas to impart.

Firstly, get well-acquainted with rest. Enjoy a good night's sleep, engage in reflection, and carve out time for idleness. Maintaining an intense focus all the time can deplete your energy. More often than not, it's during these idle moments that your mind unravels complex events and problems to uncover solutions.

Refrain from judgment.

Steer clear from judging others, especially the younger generation still navigating their path in the world. Our innate inclination is to conceal our emotions when we face judgment. However, this often seeds stress and anxiety that may surface later in life.

Shift your viewpoint.

Lastly, harness the power of negative thinking to assess and enhance your life. While you're not in control of what life presents to you, how you respond to these circumstances is entirely up to you. Rather than repelling negative thoughts, employ them as a means to strategize your response. Transform your fear into a driving force.

Altering your viewpoint will consequently reshape the manner in which you tackle every obstacle in your life.

Wrapping it all up

A significant chunk of the notions you believe to be your own are, in reality, inherited from the prevailing culture that surrounds you. To carve your own path, you need to mute the external noise and foster independent thought. Deliberately use your thoughts to determine what truly matters. This will shift your emotions about several aspects as you acquire a broader perspective — the lens through which you perceive everything.

Following this, it's easier to establish a productive routine that forms the bedrock for your purpose, at a safe distance from the fickle ardor of passion. You'll discover genuine satisfaction when your objectives transition from the thrill of the end goal to the everyday tasks you start to relish. It's these routine tasks that metamorphose you into a creative dynamo as you begin operating on autopilot. Faith in your capability to execute tasks and govern your own life boosts your self-esteem.

This is the initiation towards treating yourself with compassion. Simultaneously, it's how you treat the world with kindness.

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