Derren Brown
The Year of Magical Thinking
For Small Creatures Such as We
A Little History of Philosophy
Better Than Before
Uncanny Valley
Follow Up and Close the Sale
Jeff Shore
How to Be an Epicurean
Be Where Your Feet Are
Scott O'Neil
We Should All Be Feminists
Life Worth Living
The Happiness Track
Daniel J. Siegel
When the Body Says No
A Brief History of Thought
Wired To Create
Scott Barry Kaufman & Carolyn Gregoire
5 Voices
5 Levels of Leadership
The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did)
Philippa Perry
A Guide to the Good Life
A Handbook for New Stoics
Faith, Hope and Carnage
A Force for Good
Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess
5 Gears
Jeremie Kubicek and Steve Cockram
A Biography of Loneliness
Fay Bound Alberti
Pitch Like Hollywood