The Talent Code
Daniel Coyle
Time Travel
James Gleick
The Selfish Gene
Richard Dawkins
Hacking Darwin
Jamie Metzl
Extra Life
Steven Johnson
Rewire Your Anxious Brain
Catherine M. Pittman & Elizabeth M. Karle
The People Vs Tech
Jamie Bartlett
The Red Queen
Matt Ridley
Serhii Plokhy
Enlightenment Now
Steven Pinker
The Blank Slate
Steven Pinker
Adventures in the Anthropocene
Gaia Vince
The Fate of Rome
Kyle Harper
James Gleick
The Epigenetics Revolution
Nessa Carey
A Brief History of Time
Stephen Hawking
The Order of Time
Carlo Rovelli
This Is Your Brain on Music
Daniel Levitin
America Before
Graham Hancock
The Uninhabitable Earth
David Wallace-Wells
Outgrowing God
Richard Dawkins
The Magic of Reality
Richard Dawkins
Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
Carlo Rovelli
Other Minds
Peter Godfrey-Smith
How Bad Are Bananas?
Mike Berners-Lee
Elissa Stein and Susan Kim
Sonia Shah
The Big Picture
Sean M. Carroll