Safe People
Henry Cloud and John Townsend
The Good Girl's Guide to Great Sex
Sheila Wray Gregoire
Gaia Vince
Saving Time
Jenny Odell
The Extended Phenotype
Richard Dawkins
Paul Hawken (ed.)
A Life on Our Planet
David Attenborough
Reality Is Not What It Seems
Carlo Rovelli
The Hidden Life of Trees
Peter Wohlleben
How Luck Happens
Janice Kaplan and Barnaby Marsh
Smarter Tomorrow
Elizabeth R. Ricker
The Botany of Desire
Michael Pollan
A Mind for Numbers
Barbara Oakley
Altered Traits
Daniel Goleman and Richard J. Davidson
The Art of Statistics
David Spiegelhalter
The Third Chimpanzee
Jared Diamond
Quantum Supremacy
Michio Kaku
Lisa Genova
Rewire Your Ocd Brain
Catherine M. Pittman, William H. Youngs
The Secret World of Weather
Tristan Gooley
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
Robin Sharma
The Disordered Mind
Eric R. Kandel
Until the End of Time
Brian Greene
I Contain Multitudes
Ed Yong
A Thousand Brains
Jeff Hawkins
Skin in the Game
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Language Instinct
Steven Pinker
The Age of Empathy
Frans de Waal