Creativity Book Summaries

On Writing Well
William Zinsser
How to Take Smart Notes
Sönke Ahrens
The Hidden Habits of Genius
Craig Wright
Lateral Thinking
Edward de Bono
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Joseph Campbell
Adam Grant
Seeking Wisdom
Julia Cameron
Creativity, Inc.
Ed Catmull with Amy Wallace
Deep Thinking
Garry Kasparov
The Art of Possibility
Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander
Alex Soojung-Kim Pang
Big Magic
Elizabeth Gilbert
Bored and Brilliant
Manoush Zomorodi
The Accidental Creative
Todd Henry
Do Design
Alan Moore
Tracking Wonder
Jeffrey Davis
Awaken Your Genius
Ozan Varol
Creative Confidence
Tom and David Kelley
The Eureka Factor
John Kounios & Mark Beeman
Beau Lotto
The Creative Curve
Allen Gannett
The Runaway Species
Anthony Brandt and David Eagleman
How to Think More Effectively
The School of Life
Stories for Work
Gabrielle Dolan
Manage Your Day-To-Day
99U and Jocelyn K. Glei
Six Thinking Hats
Edward de Bono
Wired To Create
Scott Barry Kaufman & Carolyn Gregoire
Faith, Hope and Carnage
Nick Cave, Seán O'Hagan