Creativity Book Summaries - Page 2

Wired To Create
Scott Barry Kaufman & Carolyn Gregoire
Faith, Hope and Carnage
Nick Cave, Seán O'Hagan
Think Like a Rocket Scientist
Ozan Varol
The Icarus Deception
Seth Godin
ALIEN Thinking
Cyril Bouquet, Jean-Louis Barsoux and Michael Wade
Chris Bailey
The Science of Storytelling
Will Storr
Steal Like an Artist
Austin Kleon
The Myths of Creativity
David Burkus
The Artist's Way
Julia Cameron
Ignore Everybody
Hugh MacLeod
Your Brain on Art
Susan Magsamen & Ivy Ross
The War of Art
Steven Pressfield
Poke the Box
Seth Godin
Where Good Ideas Come From
Steven Johnson
Matthew Dicks
Thinking in New Boxes
Luc de Brabandere and Alan Iny
This is Service Design Thinking
Marc Stickdorn and Jakob Schneider
Powers of Two
Joshua Wolf Shenk
Everybody Has a Podcast (Except You)
Justin, Travis, and Griffin McElroy
Real Artists Don’t Starve
Jeff Goins
Hackers and Painters
Paul Graham
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Gabrielle Zevin
The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho