Personal Development Book Summaries

Daniel Goleman
Crucial Conversations
Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler
Reinvent Yourself
James Altucher
Own Your Greatness
Lisa Orbé-Austin & Richard Orbé-Austin
Carol Dweck
My Morning Routine
Benjamin Spall and Michael Xander
Jane McGonigal
Genius Foods
Max Lugavere
The Art of Impossible
Steven Kotler
The Miracle Morning
Hal Elrod
The Tools
Phil Stutz & Barry Michels
Set Boundaries, Find Peace
Nedra Glover Tawwab
Tiny Habits
BJ Fogg
The Happiness Trap
Russ Harris
Own Your Everyday
Jordan Lee Dooley
The Imposter Cure
Dr. Jessamy Hibberd
Closer to Love
Vex King
The Power of Fun
Catherine Price
Discipline Equals Freedom
Jocko Willink
Discipline Is Destiny
Ryan Holiday
The Earned Life
Marshall Goldsmith
The Everyday Hero Manifesto
Robin Sharma
Thinking 101
Woo-kyoung Ahn
The Comfort Zone
Kristen Butler
The Book of Boundaries
Melissa Urban
You Owe You
Eric Thomas
The Light We Carry
Michelle Obama
The Practice of Groundedness
Brad Stulberg