Personal Development Book Summaries - Page 6

A Handbook for New Stoics
Pitch Like Hollywood
Think Like a Rocket Scientist
Make Your Bed
The 48 Laws of Power (New Version)
Robert Greene
Big Potential
Fail Fast, Fail Often
The 4-Hour Body
Girl, Stop Apologizing
Retrain Your Brain
Daniel M. Cable
The Laws of Human Nature
Can’t Hurt Me
The Power of Choice
Clearer, Closer, Better
See You at the Top
The Four Agreements
Designing Your Life
Smart Girls Screw Up Too
Bella Zanesco
From Strength to Strength
Dopamine Nation
Born to Win
That Little Voice in Your Head
Mo Gawdat
Things No One Else Can Teach Us
Humble the Poet
Chandramouli Venkatesan
The Execution Factor
Kim Perell