Science Book Summaries - Page 5

Skin in the Game
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Language Instinct
Steven Pinker
The Age of Empathy
Frans de Waal
Phantoms in the Brain
V. S. Ramachandran and Sandra Blakeslee
The Brain that Changes Itself
Norman Doidge
How to Create a Mind
Ray Kurzweil
The Great Influenza
John M. Barry
On the Origin of Time
Thomas Hertog
Suggestible You
Erik Vance
The Science of Kissing
Sheril Kirshenbaum
Leonard Mlodinow
The Passion Paradox
Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness
What If? 2
Randall Munroe
Nick Bostrom
Calling Bullshit
Carl T. Bergstrom, Jevin D. West
David Eagleman
In Praise of Walking
Shane O'Mara
The Great Mental Models
Shane Parrish and Rhiannon Beaubien
A General Theory of Love
Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini and Richard Lannon
Where Good Ideas Come From
Steven Johnson
The Emperor's New Mind
Roger Penrose
The Science of Living
Stuart Farrimond
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Thomas S. Kuhn
The Body Keeps the Score
Bessel van der Kolk
Dilip Jeste with Scott LaFee
The Demon-Haunted World
Carl Sagan
James Nestor
Attention Span
Gloria Mark